As coronavirus has spread around the globe, there’s been plenty of information from governments and authorities on how to stay safe from the virus.
While avoiding exposure to the virus has been a challenge for everyone, apartment dwellers face a whole host of additional risks. That’s because those living in apartments are exposed to shared facilities such as elevators, common rooms, and mailboxes.
If you’re living in an apartment during COVID-19, we’re here to help. We’re here to provide you with our apartment resources and information on how to stay safe in your apartment community during the pandemic.
The Government of Canada has provided plenty of advice on how you and your family can stay safe generally. Have a look at their recommendations here.
But for those living in an apt complex, keeping safe and practicing sanitary prevention habits takes a bit more research and reading. As mentioned, many apartments feature common areas, shared mailboxes, lobbies, trash chutes, and lots of door handles that are touched often.
That means there’s a lot more potential exposure to coronavirus than one would like.
From your hygiene to how to look after your apartment, we’ve put together some advice on how to prevent coronavirus for renters and those living in flats.
Wash Your Hands Often
It goes without saying, but everyone right now should be washing their hands often.

Wash your hands if you touch another person or a shared common surface. Wash your hands before and after cooking. Wash your hands after using the bathroom.
Wash your hands after you cough, sneeze, or blow your nose. Wash your hands after you’ve been outside.
Basically, wash your hands often. If you don’t have access to soap and water, use a hand sanitizer with 60 to 95 percent alcohol.
For the best success of preventing coronavirus, follow the government’s advice on the most efficient handwashing practices.
Avoid Contact With People Who Are Ill
This is another point that may seem obvious, but it must be noted, nevertheless. While you don’t always know who’s ill, if someone seems unwell, be sure to minimize contact with them as much as possible.
When you go to the shops, pharmacy, or anywhere else, spread out. Avoid shaking hands and don’t be worried about offending anyone. Most people understand the current needs for no contact.
In the apartment complex, avoid being around people who seem unwell. As mentioned above, generally you should be avoiding touching common surfaces around the building anyway.
Wear a Face Mask
When moving around outside and within your apartment complex, be sure to wear a face mask. That’s even if you’re just passing through the apartment building lobby or the apartment building hallway.
As most people are staying indoors, all common areas in your complex are considered a public space, so treat it like that.
Clean and Disinfect Your Apartment
When inside an apartment, you should make sure it’s neat, clean, and tidy to ensure a healthy environment. Clean the apartment regularly and sanitize items and surfaces. This includes kitchen counters, doorknobs, bedside tables, bathroom fixtures, toilets, refrigerator handles, light switches, mobile devices, computer keyboards, and more.
By keeping your apartment clean regularly, you can do your best at preventing the spread of COVID-19.
Stock up (But Don’t Hoard)
While it’s unlikely, there may be a chance you’ll get sick and will need to quarantine in your apartment. In most cases that shouldn’t last longer than two weeks, but you should still make sure to stock up on basic food items, so you don’t need to leave the apartment.
We suggest buying non-perishable goods such as canned beans, soups, broths, stews, fruits, and vegetables. You can also buy ready to eat foods like peanut butter, crackers, nuts, dried fruits, and granola bars.
Don’t forget essentials like toothpaste, toilet paper, tissues, feminine products, laundry detergent, and hand sanitizer too. Plus, you may need some over-the-counter medicines and prescriptions.
Remember, stock up but don’t hoard. The supermarkets aren’t going to sell out of food, and you should just buy the supplies you need for two weeks.
Check out this resource list of recommended foods to buy for quarantine.
If you’re living in a public area like an apartment complex, the apartment manager must implement protections from coronavirus for residents. After all, you don’t have control of everything in the building so it can be harder as an individual to stay safe.
If you’re worried that your landlord or apartment manager isn’t preparing for COVID-19 prevention efficiently, don’t be shy to have a chat with them. Here are some ideas you can suggest.
Make Hand Sanitizer Available
If there are hand sanitizer bottles left in common areas around the complex, people are more likely to clean their hands more regularly, thus reducing the risk of coronavirus. Perhaps you could suggest that hand sanitizers are provided in areas of the building for residents, staff, and guests to use. For example, they could be left at the front desk and in the gym.
Clean Regularly
While apartment complexes should be cleaned regularly anyway, now it’s more important than ever. Just like your apartment, common spaces should be regularly cleaned and sanitized.
Areas and surfaces that are touched often should be disinfected several times a day. For example, door handles, elevators, mailroom boxes, and the front desk.
Keeping Your Complex Clean With Apartment Resources
We hope our shared apartment resources are helpful to you if you’re living in a building complex and are hoping to stay safe from COVID-19. As mentioned, if you’re worried about the cleanliness of your apartment complex, don’t be afraid to get in contact with the building manager to voice your concerns.
Or perhaps you’re looking for a new flat to live in? If so, check out our advice to help you find a new apartment in Canada.